Prize Money 2025

Category Classification Award
1st 6.000€
2nd 2.000€
3rd 750€
4th 500€
5th 250€
1st 6.000€
2nd 2.000€
3rd 750€
4th 500€
5th 250€
Category Classification Award
Men (19 to 29 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Women (19 to 29 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Category Classification Award
Master 30
Men (30 to 39 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Women (30 to 39 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Category Classification Award
Master 40
Men (40 to 49 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Women (40 to 49 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Category Classification Award
Master 50
Men (50 to 59 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Women (50 to 59 years old)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Category Classification Award
Master 60
Men (A partir dos 60 anos)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Women (A partir dos 60 anos)
1st 375€
2nd 150€
3rd 75€
Category Classification Award
1st 1.250€
2nd 500€
3rd 250€
Overall Teams Women
1st 1.250€
2nd 500€
3rd 250€
Category Classification Award
Overall E-Bike
1st 175€
2nd 125€
3rd 90€
4th 50€
5th 35€
6th 25€
1st 175€
2nd 125€
3rd 90€
4th 50€
5th 35€
6th 25€